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A week of mirror matchup grudge matches!
Ziggy finally mentions the streak our heroes have been maintaining. Griff claims he is ill and this “hampers” his ability…
Things start to heat up this week as our heroes grow more comfortable with the format.
Can our heroes prove themselves?
The series is evolving. Our heroes are making preparations before hand, but can the evolution offset the lack of attention they pay in the moment.
The internet tips the tables in favor of our heroes. Will they capitalize?
As is customary with the PvP matchup, shenanigans happen.
Will griff continue his dominance?
What will grant eat this week?
Is ziggy done as full time announcer for LimeNotLemon?
A fairly standard affair where our heroes test their communication skills.
A PvZ where griff clings to the edge of control, can he pull out a victory?
A new series appears!
3 players, 3 games, 3 outcomes, many many mistakes!
In which our heroes fight some brodudes!
A PvP that doesn’t devolve into something foolish!
The trend of actual teamwork increasing our power continues!
shaking off the unfortunate last game, thatguygriff goes back to his macro game. surely nothing will be forgotten.
Bronze league plus proxy shenanigans.
Obviously this doesn’t play out like we expected it to
thatguygriff tries his hand at a macro game.
nothing can go wrong with this plan! can it?
If at first your widow mine plan doesn’t work, obviously you keep building more widow mines!
Sometimes you are fine right up until that moment you are not. Timing can be a bitch.
Ziggy brings the hammer down hard!
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