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Nothing is quite as classic as a 4 Gate
What do you do when you have a time limit? Something silly and more than a little stupid!
This cannot possibly work or be rewarded, right?
apparently oracles are quite powerful when left alone.
Can our heroes collaborate and defeat the pesky terran?
to piggy’s great delight it is time to rough up another terran
attempting to continue the team work and communication!
what could possibly go wrong
look! a bee!
The episode where actual teamwork and communication happens!
be ready for anything
What is that saying about insanity?
It is always important to check what buildings a cannon rusher is putting down. assumptions are deadly.
Rollercoaster ride of a game!
Teamwork remains spotty at best.
More PvP.
Somehow a Warp Prism is built. Why not?
Early attempts at teamwork are… spotty.
A classic straight up PvP. Some shenanigans on both sides.
BONUS: Also features a huge brain failure mid game!
Yay for bronze!
Sometimes you just need a confidence boost!
PvT on a map that griff hasn’t played in months. what could possibly go wrong?
As strange as it seems team work seems to continue paying off.
Oh right.
Medivacs have speed
I should really be better at this game
apparently even in starcraft 2 “slow and steady wins the race” can still apply sometimes.
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