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Ziggy runs from a ghost
Griff explores without a proper body.
Griff makes a hat.
Zigg dies and response.
Griff tries being a ghost.
Trees can come to life now… AND you cannot set them on fire? How could this go wrong.
Ziggy goes on a long exploration, Griff fortifies the camp in case of wild dogs.
Learning from their previous mistakes our heroes take a more logical approach to survival this time around.
Time for a new world in which we attempt to not recreate the mistakes of the past. Also griff is a robot now.
The pursuit for sanity is long and beset by hounds… wait! who unleashed the hounds!!!!
April fools? Crap… this would have been the time for something like that…
Griff learns what happens to pyros in the afterlife.
Everything is on fire.
A proper settlement starts to be established!
Griff loses the internet. Ziggy loses a partner. Will either lose their mind?
We are transitioning our powers to a new game!
Ziggy runs away with this run. Griff makes periodic appearances.
Ziggy takes control of Isaac this week. This will go much better.
Since it is our first week doing this we made this mistake trying to record Starcraft on a Tuesday!
Building off previous success Ziggy and Griff try “Pressure” once again
Ziggy and Griff attempt to play some starcraft *without* waiting for their opponents to attack first.
More heroes action. This time Griff tries his hand as a corrupt Prince and Ziggy plays the trigger happy Demon Hunter
Ziggy and Griff and back in the SC2 hot seat!
More heroes of the storm! Ziggy plays Anub’arak and Griff plays Tassadar
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