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Another episode in which our heroes make great “progress” on their quest!
Our group continues their efforts to “work together” and “problem solve”.
Will they make great strides of progress?
The clues have been found! Then “literacy” and group “work” happens!
Once again our heroes prove that no one works as a team quite like they do.
Our heroes have found themselves a base camp and prepare for their journey.
Technical issues are resolved! However the heroes ability to listen to directions or follow instructions has not improved at all.
Here is more of something else…
We hear at LimeNotLemon experienced some technical snafu’s this week.
So here is something else entirely.
Will the in fighting end?
Will our heroes reach Tom’s castle without killing each other?
Our heroes begin their journey to find the Ender dragon!
Our heroes engage in one final prep mission before beginning their epic journey to New Tom Land.
Back to the grind. Resource gathering for the adventure east!
Once more unto the breach! Can our heroes team work be sustained?
Food Safety and Preparation time! How do you handle chicken?
Sustainable development!
Chicken of the sea!
griff the barbarian!
ziggy the redshirt!
Our heroes decide to work together to assault the nether world.
We continue to prove that we are clearly dragon slaying material.
all we need is some blazerods. how hard could that be.
A new goal! apparently there are dragons around… Being clearly the most qualified to slay a dragon we set out!
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