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Why You So Bad — LEGO Batman Episode 11

Our heroes embark on a new section of the story having recently defeated penguin!

Why You So Bad LEGO Batman Episode 10

The Penguin!

Our heroes attempt the final level of this chapter of the story!

Why You So Bad – LEGO Batman Episode 9

In which our heroes demonstrate their “excellent” problem solving skills.

Why You So Bad — LEGO Batman Episode 8

more hot vehicle action!

I’m in a boat!

Why You So Bad – LEGO Batman Episode 7

Next up, killer croc!

Why You So Bad – LEGO Batman Episode 6

This week we take on the sometimes enemy that is cat woman!

Why You So Bad – LEGO Batman Episode 5

Finally our heroes get their acts together, open the clue boxes and figure out where the riddler and two face have been leading them!

Why You So Bad – LEGO Batman Episode 4

Poison Ivy does her very best in an attempt to seduce ziggyittyzig. Our heroes dish out the pain in response! (The pain of stepping on a stray lego block in the middle of the night!)

Why You So Bad – LEGO Batman Episode 3

the episode that was fraught with technical issues!

we played this level twice due to sounds failures and human errors when it came to saving the game. finally it even gets posted late!

Why You So Bad – LEGO Batman Episode 2

Having dispatched Clayface with ease our heroes being the hunt for Mr. Freeze!

Why You So Bad – LEGO Batman Episode 1

Our dynamic duo faces a whole new challenge.

Sharing a goal AND a screen!