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A new challenge style! Select 3 cards and let the game complete the deck.
Our final match of these suggested draft decks is here!
Do our heroes actually know their random decks?
Time for a second attempt at drafting suggested decks! Ziggy is looking for revenge!
Can ziggy prevent being swept 2-0 in Suggested construction play?
We draft a “Suggested” deck and play the first of a best of 3 with the random decks.
Shaman mirror matchup!!
After a year of games can Ziggy overcome Griff’s priest deck?
Griff rebounds from being crushed as a rogue with his trusty priest deck!
The beginning of a new Bo5. Griff tries his hand at the “Miracle Rogue” deck without first figuring out how to play it.
Deathrattle Paladin vs Shaman to settle the 2-2 score.
Can griff even up the series with his shaman deck?
Can griff turn things around using a shaman deck after dropping 2 straight to Ziggy?
Griff tries to be a bit silly and runs with a new and improved legendary deck.
An episode in which our protagonists deploy some rather silly decks
Ziggy and Griff face off for a PvP matchup, albeit a different sort of PvP than they are used to.
Griff decides to go 3 for 3 in this Bo5 with all Priest Decks!
Ziggy wonders if he will be able to stop the death focused priest!
Game 2 of Griff’s All Priest, All Day strategy!
Griff makes a silly deck. Ziggy tries to follow the “strategy”.
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