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A new series!
One without content from Ziggy… but only for the first couple episodes.
You’d think after years we would know what we are doing…
Another round of monobattles!
Sorry for sound issues, and late publishing. There were editing *issues*.
Griff goes Random!
Lime Cheese!
This will be a show.
Another best of 3 starts off. Can ziggy finally break griff’s winning streak?
A new game!
You may have seen us fly airplanes over at
Unfortunately we are no where near that competent in a snub fighter.
Another passenger less episode as Griff takes the helm.
Some unfortunate move outs, but decent reactions to every challenge.
Final episode of this round! can Ziggy cling to his citizens?
3 Games of questionable quality!
Early pressure and proper scouting, this should be easy!
Once again the best of 3 has come down to a 5th match. Mirror match time!
The car! It is passenger less! and seemingly broken!
People start to realize they accidentally moved into a city run by Ziggy.
Monobattles ensue. Engagement timing proves crucial.
Griff builds Colossus. Ziggy gets aggressive? The world has gone mad!
It is priest time again.
We all know how this goes.
Once more unto the breach!
Err… Twice more!
PvT. Our favourite matchup ever.
FFA Monobattles galore! PTSD and everything!
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