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With Ziggy grounded or MIA our heroes begin the run to the center of the Death Star!
Back on the horse and chasing the end of Act 1!
A new series!
Another lite episode for the summer months! More fast action and lots of excitement!
We begin a new best of 5 breaking out new classes that we don’t regularly play.
Ziggy is missing but Grant and Griff begin their attack runs on the second death star
Griff actually makes progress in his millennium spanning war!
Ziggy engages in a questionably strategic war
Summer Rock, Paper, Scissors Lite mode begins now! (This just means one fewer game a week for scheduling reasons)
Our heroes get a little cocky this week in their bronze league 2v2 match
Can Griff successfully complete the 0-2 comeback by winning 3 in a row with his Priest?
Our pilots combine their skills and and motivational words to finally get a solid run in!
Our heroes seem to be back on track. no longer wondering what they are supposed to be doing. Instead just getting it done.
Griff learns he has no idea how to conquer a city
Ziggy learns he is better at war than he previously anticipated.
More builds from a hat! This week our heroes find some holes in some of the builds in the system.
Double Protoss vs Double Terran on today’s episode!
Ziggy turns to his hunter deck to find the finishing blow.
Bespin is a lovely place to stay for a while… right?
Our heroes continue on not following the story line. There are crypts to defile after all!
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