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A new game! Where our heroes solve puzzles co-operatively!
What could go wrong.
The episode where some “habits” are formed about how Zigg and Griff interact in game.
More Portal Shenanigans. Just watch the episode, these descriptions are going to get repetitive
it’s like two kids trying to solve a rubik’s cube that explodes
The puzzle complexity is increasing and requiring more cooperation. So naturally this is right in our wheelhouse!
Actual teamwork starts to occur!
Our heroes are striking a balance and working together like a team
Probably the episode with the most wheel spin yet.
Problem solving like professionals…
What type of professional is another matter.
Turns out thinking is hard.
In which Ziggy flexes his problem solving muscles!
Will Ziggy and Griff actually work together to solve puzzles this week?
A room that puzzles use for a little but we slowly come around.
Our pace has slowed but collaboration to solve puzzles has increased!
This week Griff tries not to fall asleep and it shows in his ability to solve puzzles. Ziggy picks up the slack
One final puzzle to cap off the Portal 2 series!
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