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Griff resumes being a burly protector and ziggy spends some time crafting.
Zultan Kulle is in the house!!
Looking for the waterways and making inappropriate jokes. We are such children.
Once more Griff blindly charges into the breach, Ziggy second guesses himself and our heroes run around lost for a while.
Our heroes continue stomping through sanctuary and realize that things maybe seem *too* easy.
Continual progress with no setbacks? this cannot be!?!
more smashing and our heroes finally complete their back tracking and mange to move on with the story.
Some minor technical issues hinder teamwork but are eventually resolved.
Discussions of playing appropriate roles are quickly overshadowed by the desire to look cool
Directions are hard but our heroes edge ever closer to a boss battle.
The boss battle that this series is named for! Will our heroes fair any better this time around?
Onto a new act! Progress being made and sooner or later Ziggy will need to get the expansion.
Raising the defences so that the peoples can defend themselves.
Lazy people.
Our heroes discuss the importance of listening to the plot and prospects of alternative gaming partners
An episode where our heroes clear a floor and kill many things. standard diablo action!
Our heroes continue cutting a swath through the demon hoards in an effort to cut off the source
Grind grind grind
The episode where Ziggy does not learn a valuable lesson about standing in fire
More Diablo action! Our heroes fight their way through more and more demon hordes
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