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What happens when a bunch of former WoW addicts try to re enter the world and not get hooked
LimeNotLemon Holiday Specials Presents:
A short lead up to a new series, featuring thatguygriff as he attempts to learn a new game.
For the full prologue —
a group of gnomes go adventuring, what isn’t there to like!
thatguygriff learns a new game.
the rest of the group mocks him for being new at it.
player roles are defined further in this episode as everyone learns their level of importance to the group.
our heroes fight their mightiest foe yet! can they successfully level an experience resistant rogue?
Another adventure in the world of warcraft begins!
Our Heroes board a ship, get in cannons and kill things
After losing our tank we set out to embark on another dungeon.
and then something *MAGICAL* happens
our team falls head over heals for our “sexy latin saviour”
We bring back Gnome Sane! Tom, Mo, Dare and I team up in Final Fantasy 14 to see how small we can make our characters and group and…
Second dungeon, we deep dive into Shprashasasha or whatever.
We continue our first get-together where three of us go to dungeons and Mo hangs out.
We delve further into the dungeoning, remote from Mo, while I try to recall classic rock lyrics.
Bravely, and without Mo, we continue to topple big huge enemies including Ifrit, some kind of hell demon thing this time around.
Our intrepid non-gnomes decide to follow Dare into the Palace of the Dead. Still without Mo, but how bad can it be, right?
Mo finally arrives! We are a full party now, jokes and all.
Delving deeper into the palace, we find our groove. Or as close to a groove as we can.
Our heroes continue into the Palace of the Dead, and get distracted talking about teaching yourself hypnosis in an empty room.
Palace of the Dead. Also known as ‘Place of the Dead’.
Levels 40-50 of the Palace of the Dead. Including a boss fight! and a plan to take on said-boss. … I KNOW.
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