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Our intrepid heroes shake of the rust and hit the 2v2 ladder looking for success.
Griff builds Colossus. Ziggy gets aggressive? The world has gone mad!
Early pressure and proper scouting, this should be easy!
Griff goes Random!
Lime Cheese!
This will be a show.
Special guest YouSeemOP!
Our heroes are a touch paranoid but it seems to serve them well.
Who knew these guys knew how to play defense two weeks in a row!
Our heroes are back at it, remembering to scout early, expand often and make preparations for early pressure!
Protoss everywhere! Silly tech builds! We have it all!
The world’s longest loading screen may have lulled us into a false sense of security.
Our heroes warm up with a classic school yard bully 2 vs 1 style fight.
Vigilant scouting and good control on the part of our heroes. Can they be victorious on this unfamiliar map?
2 random opponents. This is what our heroes have spent years training for.
It has been an embarrassing couple of weeks for the heroic duo. in response they do something stupid.
Double Protoss vs Double Terran on today’s episode!
Our heroes get a little cocky this week in their bronze league 2v2 match
Ziggy is absent! Scheduling is hard! Will thatguygriff and YouSeemOP combine to be more powerful?
Our new hero pairing takes on #YOLOSWAG in this episode.
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