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More back seat gaming action!
can enough gateway units stop a terran?
thatguygriff hasn’t laddered in weeks. so long in fact that it is almost a month into the current season and he still hasn’t played a placement.
so here goes nothing!
After being placed in bronze for the current season what is the sensible thing for the ladder to do?
A platinum player of course
Dark Templars
Fine! Shut up!
Chaos and distraction is the order of the day. Until the Colossus can arrive at least.
When to push? When to remember to have an army at home? These are good questions.
Oh right.
Medivacs have speed
I should really be better at this game
PvT on a map that griff hasn’t played in months. what could possibly go wrong?
A classic straight up PvP. Some shenanigans on both sides.
BONUS: Also features a huge brain failure mid game!
More PvP.
Somehow a Warp Prism is built. Why not?
It is always important to check what buildings a cannon rusher is putting down. assumptions are deadly.
be ready for anything
look! a bee!
to piggy’s great delight it is time to rough up another terran
apparently oracles are quite powerful when left alone.
Nothing is quite as classic as a 4 Gate
Sometimes you are fine right up until that moment you are not. Timing can be a bitch.
thatguygriff tries his hand at a macro game.
nothing can go wrong with this plan! can it?
shaking off the unfortunate last game, thatguygriff goes back to his macro game. surely nothing will be forgotten.
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