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Ziggy goes on a long exploration, Griff fortifies the camp in case of wild dogs.
No more RNG decks… Instead a mirror matchup relying on RNG… Ziggy plays Griff for a fool.
One final puzzle to cap off the Portal 2 series!
Actual, honest to goodness plot exposition… I think… that was this episode right?
Hey look! forgotten footage from the april fools day big head avatar mode!!
More city growth and finally an explanation for why you have not seen any of Ziggy’s city.
Learning from their previous mistakes our heroes take a more logical approach to survival this time around.
Just how long can a desk of no synergies and nothing more than 3 mana survive?
This week Griff tries not to fall asleep and it shows in his ability to solve puzzles. Ziggy picks up the slack
Some fun daily questing today! Ziggy learns to be a functional alcoholic and Griff shows that you just cannot stop the dead.
more city building. people flock to Griff’s emergency city. Ziggy realizes his income is based on people.
Time for a new world in which we attempt to not recreate the mistakes of the past. Also griff is a robot now.
We built each other decks!
Unfortunately we may have had different priorities for the decks…
Our pace has slowed but collaboration to solve puzzles has increased!
Our first attempt at a boss fight since Ziggy stopped being a complete glass cannon.
Teamwork is key!
Does Ziggy get his shit together or does Griff’s second city surpass him?
The pursuit for sanity is long and beset by hounds… wait! who unleashed the hounds!!!!
What happens when the RNG for dealing conspires with the RNG for deck building? Watch and learn.
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