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Ziggy and Griff face off for a PvP matchup, albeit a different sort of PvP than they are used to.
Choosing the correct vehicle for the mission is a crucial skill.
more smashing and our heroes finally complete their back tracking and mange to move on with the story.
The Bruins.
Those dastardly bruins.
Will our heroes persevere?
What happens when two players get identical builds?
LimeNotLemon is doing Extra Life as a team this year!
Please Consider Donating!
The streak of strange 2v2 games continues!
Griff decides to go 3 for 3 in this Bo5 with all Priest Decks!
Finally, after reading some objectives our heroes overcome the challenge and are able to move on to another level. will they repeat themselves?
Continual progress with no setbacks? this cannot be!?!
Round two of the improbable playoff run!
The Classic Antiga Shipyard is paired with out heroes playing races that are anything but their classics.
If it isn’t one thing for these guys, it will be two or three others!
Ziggy wonders if he will be able to stop the death focused priest!
Previously we thought there was nothing worse then a stealth mission. How about a stealth mission in a speeder WITH Missile Turrets!
Our heroes continue stomping through sanctuary and realize that things maybe seem *too* easy.
Seeking a legitimate Cup win our players turn to Random team selection.
Proxies, Shenanigans, and Turtling. Starcraft 2 as a microcosm.
Our heroes might be a little bit rusty this week…
Game 2 of Griff’s All Priest, All Day strategy!
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