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The whole world is now at war!
More BFAH action. Our heroes demonstrate some amount of basic literacy skills (assuming that we aren’t talking about Ziggy).
It has been an embarrassing couple of weeks for the heroic duo. in response they do something stupid.
Can Griff put an end to Ziggy’s winning streak? He breaks out his trusty Priest deck in hopes of a momentum swing.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 3 weeks in a row shame on you. We have totally got it this time though!
This week we learn that Ziggy and Griff really need some sort of Gaming Personal Assistant to help them keep track of what they are doing.
Griff’s eternal war continues onward into the future!
Ziggy approximates Warrior Griff’s ways by posturing on his border.
More Builds from a hat! No rage quits! High Spirits! We might be on to something!
2 random opponents. This is what our heroes have spent years training for.
Griff tries something stupid
Ziggy keeps a level head and attempts to counteract Griff’s stupidity
It is a holiday! Our heroes take a holiday from any semblance of sense or reason.
A round of new items and new abilities!
The eternal war continues, but Griff’s people seem oddly enthused at the prospect. Ziggy develops new tools and technologies!
Introducing Builds from a Hat! Try it yourself at
Vigilant scouting and good control on the part of our heroes. Can they be victorious on this unfamiliar map?
A new best of 5 starts today! Griff seeks redemption for the trouncing he was handed in the last batch of games!
It turns out our ringer may just be subject to the title as well…
Our heroes level up and try out new abilities!
Griff has been at war longer than he remembers. Hail britannia! Zigg worries about his neighbours.
A brief interlude before a new method for anti rage quit gaming comes online!
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