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Okay okay. So sometimes I can’t stop a 6pool.
Nothing hard about a 10pool though…
Will the in fighting end?
Will our heroes reach Tom’s castle without killing each other?
First heads up in Heart of the Swarm. Ready? FIGHT!
Our heroes have resumed their normal sc2 schedule, finishing their 1v1 placements and sometimes feeling like they have the hang of this HOTS things.
Then race selection for 2v2 is an option that baffles them.
A game that filled many hours of thatguygriff childhood, and that launched one of the most infamous franchises in all of gaming. Ziggy plays the very first Duke Nukum game.
the episode that was fraught with technical issues!
we played this level twice due to sounds failures and human errors when it came to saving the game. finally it even gets posted late!
More Heart of the Swarm placement games.
6pool? Who can’t stop a 6pool!
Our heroes begin their journey to find the Ender dragon!
Expansion time! Our heroes embark on a series of 2v2 games in an attempt to teach an old dog new tricks
Ziggittyzigg gets thatguygriff to play the first PC game he ever played. From sometime in the 80s, we explore an amazing castle.
Having dispatched Clayface with ease our heroes being the hunt for Mr. Freeze!
Placement for Heart of the Swarm is upon us! Can the recent Gold ranking be maintained?
Our heroes engage in one final prep mission before beginning their epic journey to New Tom Land.
Once more unto the breach! Heart of the Swarm has been released!
So naturally we are still playing WoL… because reasons.
ziggyittyzig is asked to play a game based on ability to take in your surroundings and react to them in a split second.
how could this go wrong?
Our dynamic duo faces a whole new challenge.
Sharing a goal AND a screen!
More PvP! Despite always playing the same race myself, it seems like at times ladder is full of just one race or another.
Back to the grind. Resource gathering for the adventure east!
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