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Winning streak! Can we keep rolling?
Ziggy’s relaxation game, thatguygriff’s attempt to overcome his own quick judgements
Our heroes get in a small argument over walls
We continue to prove that we are clearly dragon slaying material.
Forgotten handicaps from the last outing are in effect right off the bat for thatguygriff. can he overcome the disadvantage?
Can the winning streak be kept up? opinions are mixed
The culmination of worm based combat. Who will be the victor?
all we need is some blazerods. how hard could that be.
You know the drill. Revenge is had. Instructions are ostensibly listened to!
Our Heroes take to the ladder, emboldened by their ability to defeat opponents after one of them has dropped!
Our heroes continue to wage battle with strange and varied weaponry supplied by magic boxes
Between the two of us I am sure we will remember everything that needs to happen
A new goal! apparently there are dragons around… Being clearly the most qualified to slay a dragon we set out!
The series where we force each other to try new things while getting revenge on the other continues!
we tackle 2v2 armed with bold ideas and great plans!
After an attempt to start a new why you so bad series goes horribly wrong our heroes resort to blowing each other up in worm combat
Another game in what thatguygriff hopes will become a regular thing
Three computer scientists walk into a bar, but it is three different bars because giving verbal directions is not remotely their strong suit.
Shenanigans must be had!
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